
Apertura prenotazioni
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Laboratory session 3, Tuesday shift11 dicembre 2018, 16:30 Register here for the Tuesday shift of laboratory session 311 dicembre 2018, 15:30


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Cod Esame INM0017601 CFU 9 Ore Tot 72Categoria Corsi di Laurea / Secondo Semestre
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Cod Esame INP9087837 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Primo Semestre
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Cod Esame INP9087837 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48 Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Primo Semestre
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Cod Esame INP9087837 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48 Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Primo Semestre
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Cod Esame INP7080701 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Primo Semestre
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Cod Esame INP7080701 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Primo Semestre
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Cod Esame INQ0091106 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48 Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Primo Semestre
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Cod Esame INQ0090838 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48 Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Secondo Semestre
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Cod Esame INQ0090838 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48 Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Secondo Semestre
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Cod Esame INP9086800 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48 Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Secondo Semestre
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Cod Esame INQ1098071 CFU 6 Ore Tot 48 Categoria Corsi di Laurea Magistrale / Secondo Semestre
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Categoria PhD School in Information Engineering / PhD School Courses / PHD Courses a.y. 21/22
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Categoria PhD School in Information Engineering / PhD School Courses / PHD Courses a.y. 20/21
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The class aims at providing the students with an information theoretic framework that will allow formal modeling, understanding of the fundamental p...
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The class aims at providing the students with an information theoretic framework that will allow formal modeling, understanding of the fundamental per...
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Course delivered within the DECAMP Erasmus + Project.More Info: Corsi Vari