Proposte di Tesi da parte dei Docenti e Stage segnalati da aziende e docenti. Contattare comunque direttamente il docente di riferimento.

Gli studenti laureati possono visionare anche le PROPOSTE DI LAVORO sul Sito del DEI.

Gruppi visibili: Tutti i partecipanti

Pagina: 1 2 ()
DiscussioneIniziato daGruppoReplicheUltimo intervento
Proposta di tesi/tirocinio presso Mooves S.r.l. 0 Corvaja Roberto
lun, 15 lug 2024, 15:07
Proposte di Tesi/Tirocinio presso ThinkQuantum srl 0 Vallone Giuseppe
lun, 8 lug 2024, 10:14
Proposte di tesi/Thesis Proposal - Pietro Fiorentini spa 0 Vogrig Daniele
gio, 4 lug 2024, 11:21
Tesi di laurea magistrale presso Urmet Innovation 0 Ferrari Carlo
mer, 3 lug 2024, 10:12
Thesis Proposal: Humans-in-the-buidling: getting rid of thermostat-based control via Personal Comfort Systems 0 Schenato Luca
ven, 7 giu 2024, 11:21
Proposte di Tirocinio/Tesi presso Velex (UNOX) 0 Vogrig Daniele
gio, 23 mag 2024, 11:54
Internship/master thesis proposals at Unox, Padova 0 Ghidoni Stefano
lun, 29 apr 2024, 15:52
Master Thesis + internship in Azienda: Applicazione WIFI per PROTOCOLLO DI COMUNICAZIONE di un misuratore elettromagnetico di portata 0 Ferrante Augusto
mer, 10 apr 2024, 18:55
Thesis (with possibile PhD) in Machine Learning and Control for Electric Drives 0 Susto Gian Antonio
lun, 8 apr 2024, 08:55
Lunedì 8 aprile - Incontro con aziende per tirocini ICT 2 Fantozzi Carlo
gio, 4 apr 2024, 09:24
MS thesis AI & Machine Learning for Synthetic Biology (in collaboratorio with Prof. Gabriele Sales (DiBio) 0 Schenato Luca
lun, 25 mar 2024, 19:11
Machine Learning Internship & Thesis with Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & IT Cooling Systems SpA (800eur/month) 0 Susto Gian Antonio
sab, 9 mar 2024, 21:37
Internship @ Infineon Munich "Internship / Master Thesis on the topic Mathematical modelling of a semiconductor supply chain" 0 Susto Gian Antonio
gio, 29 feb 2024, 22:14
Thesis & Internship: Advancing Generative AI for Image Synthesis with Breton & Statwolf 0 Susto Gian Antonio
gio, 22 feb 2024, 08:57
Advancing Service Operations through Customized Chatbot Development: A Collaborative Endeavor with Statwolf 0 Susto Gian Antonio
gio, 22 feb 2024, 08:52
Machine Learning Thesis/Internship on HVAC system (in Collaboration with Swegon & Statwolf) 0 Susto Gian Antonio
gio, 22 feb 2024, 08:49
Different master thesis projects available on robot learning and control 0 Falco Pietro
mer, 17 gen 2024, 20:40
Intership at Stat4Value in AI and Software Development 0 Ferrari Carlo
mar, 16 gen 2024, 15:59
Master thesis proposal at Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare -- Legnaro (PD) 0 Vitturi Stefano
lun, 15 gen 2024, 15:49
Proposta di tesi: controllo di sistemi HVAC&R 0 Rampazzo Mirco
mer, 22 nov 2023, 10:18
Proposta stage presso TIE srl, Thiene (VI) 0 Pietracaprina Andrea Alberto
gio, 16 nov 2023, 10:50
Master's Thesis on Quantum Payload for CubeSat (Fly-Your-Satellite project) 0 Stanco Andrea
mer, 25 ott 2023, 15:48
Master's thesis proposal in Design of FPGA-based systems for Quantum Communications 0 Stanco Andrea
mer, 25 ott 2023, 11:31
Internship Proposal at the European Ombudsman 0 Fantozzi Carlo
mar, 10 ott 2023, 09:46
MS thesis projects in Synthetic Biology 0 Schenato Luca
mer, 20 set 2023, 14:30
Cattedre presso istituto superiore 0 Melucci Massimo
gio, 14 set 2023, 16:41
Internship/master thesis proposals at Microtec, Mestre 0 Ghidoni Stefano
gio, 14 set 2023, 09:31
Internship/master thesis proposals at Applied Materials, Treviso area 0 Ghidoni Stefano
ven, 4 ago 2023, 15:45
Internship presso Criotherm Zeta Plus srl - Montebelluna (TV) 0 Rampazzo Mirco
ven, 28 lug 2023, 12:14
Attività di tesi presso Schneider Electric, Conselve (PD) 0 Vitturi Stefano
mar, 13 giu 2023, 09:32
Internship/master thesis proposals at the Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) - German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) - 0 Rampazzo Mirco
mar, 2 mag 2023, 12:41
PhD Position on Algorithms for Optimal Decision Making Under Uncertainty in Sustainable Energy Systems 0 Rampazzo Mirco
lun, 1 mag 2023, 16:43
Industrial PhD on Machine Learning for Semiconductor Manufacturing - in collaboration with LFoundry 0 Susto Gian Antonio
dom, 30 apr 2023, 19:55
Industrial PhD - in collaboration with Zoppas Industries 0 Susto Gian Antonio
mer, 26 apr 2023, 15:17
Master's Thesis on Model-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis 0 Rampazzo Mirco
gio, 6 apr 2023, 12:07
Master's Thesis on Automated Drug Delivery in Clinical Anesthesia 0 Rampazzo Mirco
mer, 29 mar 2023, 11:55
Master's Thesis: Combining Reinforcement Learning with Agent Based Modeling for Industrial Ecology Applications 0 Rampazzo Mirco
mer, 29 mar 2023, 11:36
Fully funded PhD position in Machine Learning for the Internet of Things scenario (funded by industry) 0 Susto Gian Antonio
dom, 19 feb 2023, 12:27
Internship/master thesis proposals at the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Collaboration (AI4HRC), University of Udine, Italy 0 Ghidoni Stefano
gio, 2 feb 2023, 15:37
Master Thesis on AlbaSat: quantum payload and ground station design 0 Vallone Giuseppe
mer, 1 feb 2023, 12:40
Bachelor thesis: Deep learning strategies for AR/VR technologies. 0 Milani Simone
gio, 26 gen 2023, 17:28
Thesis topic: Generative AI for image and 3D models transmission (Master and Bachelor degrees) 0 Milani Simone
gio, 26 gen 2023, 16:38
Master thesis: Incremental learning for point cloud segmentation in automotive applications 0 Milani Simone
gio, 26 gen 2023, 16:35
Thesis topic: Dataset inference for generative AI (Master and Bachelor Degrees) 0 Milani Simone
gio, 26 gen 2023, 16:34
Master th. on SLAM With Radio Signals and Intelligent Reflective Surfaces 0 Tomasin Stefano
ven, 20 gen 2023, 15:52
Master th. on Fast User Tracking With Intelligent Reflective Surfaces 0 Tomasin Stefano
ven, 20 gen 2023, 15:52
Master Thesis on Modelling, Simulation, and Control of Biological Neural Networks 0 Rampazzo Mirco
sab, 10 dic 2022, 13:08
Two funded internship positions at Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, Lyon, France 0 Rampazzo Mirco
sab, 10 dic 2022, 12:34
Tirocinio per laureandi/laureati presso Bip, Milano 0 Corvaja Roberto
ven, 18 nov 2022, 16:47
Richiesta collaborazione: Full Stack Developer (settore biomedicale) 0 Pietracaprina Andrea Alberto
lun, 7 nov 2022, 10:35
Scheduling for 6G non-terrestrial networks - Master thesis in ICT for Internet and Multimedia 0 Tomasin Stefano
ven, 4 nov 2022, 18:27
Integrated sensing and security for 6G systems - Master thesis in ICT for Internet&Multimedia 0 Tomasin Stefano
mar, 1 nov 2022, 17:52
Authentication verification using Intelligent Reflective Surfaces - Master thesis in ICT for Int.&Multimedia 0 Tomasin Stefano
mar, 1 nov 2022, 17:19
Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) per Power Grids -- Stage presso Hitachi Energy research 0 Vitturi Stefano
ven, 28 ott 2022, 11:22
Reti 5G per power grids -- Stage presso Hitachi Energy Research 0 Vitturi Stefano
ven, 28 ott 2022, 11:16
Reti Wireless con metasuperfici selettive (LT Informatica e Informazione) 0 Tomasin Stefano
gio, 27 ott 2022, 21:26
Comunicazioni satellitari per reti cellulari 6G (LT informatica e informazione) 0 Tomasin Stefano
mar, 25 ott 2022, 09:52
Autenticazione con metasuperfici (LT informatica e informazione) 0 Tomasin Stefano
lun, 24 ott 2022, 23:07
Proposta di tirocinio in PRO-DO-MIX 0 Fantozzi Carlo
lun, 3 ott 2022, 10:10
Cattedra di Informatica presso IIS Piove di Sacco 0 Melucci Massimo
dom, 2 ott 2022, 10:36
Master thesis on secret communications with frequency modulated arrays 0 Tomasin Stefano
mer, 7 set 2022, 17:07
Intern+Master Thesis on Reinforcement Learning with Infineon Technologies 0 Susto Gian Antonio
gio, 18 ago 2022, 11:45
Stage Dan Europe (Machine Learning for Divers Health Monitoring) 1 AKTER ASIFA
mer, 3 ago 2022, 19:25
Stage in Swegon su sistema di controllo per impianti di condizionamento 0 Milani Simone
dom, 10 lug 2022, 22:37
Stage Machine/Deep Learning presso Roche (no tesi) 0 Susto Gian Antonio
ven, 13 mag 2022, 21:50
Internship/master thesis proposals on AI & computer vision at Vislab, Parma 0 Ghidoni Stefano
gio, 28 apr 2022, 14:38
Tesi triennale in Elettronica su comunicazioni con LED 0 Tomasin Stefano
gio, 7 apr 2022, 12:31
Master thesis on GNSS-BASED SMARTPHONE NAVIGATION 0 Tomasin Stefano
gio, 31 mar 2022, 15:10
gio, 31 mar 2022, 15:09
Tirocinio/Tesi Magistrale presso azienda Delta Ohm di Selvazzano Dentro (PD) 0 Giorgi Giada
mer, 16 mar 2022, 15:24
Programma di AIESEC per tirocini all'estero 0 Fantozzi Carlo
gio, 10 mar 2022, 20:51
Thesis proposals on applied Machine Learning with Dainese 0 Susto Gian Antonio
mer, 9 mar 2022, 16:15
Tirocinio/Tesi magistrale Ingegneria Elettronica presso Delta Ohm - Selvazzando Dentro (PD) 0 Giorgi Giada
mer, 9 mar 2022, 10:29
Internship + master's thesis proposal on applications of machine learning in HVAC systems 0 Fantozzi Carlo
mar, 1 mar 2022, 11:23
Internship/master thesis proposals on Model Predictive Control for foiling boats, Chioggia 0 Bruschetta Mattia
mer, 23 feb 2022, 16:10
Tesi Magistrale o Stage Post-Laurea in ambito Digital Design presso ST Agrate Brianza (MB) 0 Vogrig Daniele
ven, 14 gen 2022, 16:44
Tesi Triennale in Collaborazione con DIp. Psicologia Generale 0 Migliardi Mauro
lun, 27 dic 2021, 11:00
Internship/master thesis proposals on AI & computer vision at M3E, Padova 0 Ghidoni Stefano
ven, 10 dic 2021, 08:25
KAI (subsidiary of Infineon) - master's thesis with internships in Machine Learning 0 Susto Gian Antonio
mar, 23 nov 2021, 11:15
Internship/master thesis proposals on AI & computer vision at Reply, Turin 0 Ghidoni Stefano
lun, 15 nov 2021, 17:45
Internship & Final project on Underwater Security (NATO project) 0 Tomasin Stefano
ven, 15 ott 2021, 10:00
Stage in VIMAR 0 Meneghini Matteo
mar, 21 set 2021, 08:32
Internship/master thesis proposals on computer vision and robotics at Istituto Dalle Molle di studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA), Switzerland 0 Ghidoni Stefano
mer, 15 set 2021, 16:05
Thesis in Robotics and Intelligent systems 0 Menegatti Emanuele
gio, 9 set 2021, 10:45
Master thesis on Virtual Private Mobile Networks For Location Privacy 0 Tomasin Stefano
gio, 19 ago 2021, 15:16
Master thesis on Intelligent Reflective Surfaces for 5G/6G Cellular Networks 0 Tomasin Stefano
gio, 19 ago 2021, 15:15
Internship proposal for fresh graduates 0 Fantozzi Carlo
gio, 1 lug 2021, 10:37
Internship for Master Thesis at Philips Eindhoven 0 Narduzzi Claudio
mer, 30 giu 2021, 16:06
Tirocinio o offerta di lavoro: IT Junior presso Coldline 0 Meneghini Matteo
gio, 17 giu 2021, 17:21
Tirocinio o offerta di lavoro: Disegnatore Solidworks presso Coldline 0 Meneghini Matteo
gio, 17 giu 2021, 17:19
Proposta di tesi presso VIMAR 0 Meneghini Matteo
ven, 4 giu 2021, 16:05
Progettazione di un sistema di sensori per prove di impatto su dispositivi di protezione - Tesi Magistrale 0 Narduzzi Claudio
lun, 31 mag 2021, 18:32
Proposta di tirocinio in Kynetics S.r.l. 0 Fantozzi Carlo
ven, 28 mag 2021, 13:13
Various Master theses/internships on Machine Learning for Oil & Gas (in collaboration with Pietro Fiorentini SpA) 0 Susto Gian Antonio
mar, 4 mag 2021, 11:53
Thesis + Internship with Virtual Vehicle (Graz Austria) - MPC based Human Like Autonomous Driving 0 Bruschetta Mattia
lun, 26 apr 2021, 17:28
Internship with F.R. Engineering S.R.L. (LM Computer Engineering/Ingegneria Informatica) 0 Vandin Fabio
gio, 15 apr 2021, 10:30
Proposta di stage in Komlab S.r.l. 0 Fantozzi Carlo
mar, 6 apr 2021, 08:15
Proposte di tesi 0 Migliardi Mauro
gio, 25 mar 2021, 15:46
Master thesis in collaboration with Oengineering - Vicenza 0 Corvaja Roberto
mar, 23 mar 2021, 15:37
Tesi e stage magistrali con azienda WMR 0 Vandin Fabio
mar, 16 mar 2021, 15:29
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