AVVISI (Pagina in dismissione dal 1 agosto 2022)

CYBERSICUREZZA Seminario del coordinatore nazionale

Immagine Villoresi Paolo
CYBERSICUREZZA Seminario del coordinatore nazionale
di Villoresi Paolo - martedì, 23 maggio 2017, 12:41
Vorrei segnalarvi il seminario del Prof. Roberto Baldoni - coordinatore del Comitato nazionale per la ricerca in cybersecurity e Direttore del Cyber Security National Laboratory 
il giorno 25 maggio alle ore 15:00 in Aula Ke - Polo Didattico DEI 

Titolo: Thwarting Cyber Attacks: Scientific Alignment and the Italian Landscape

Abstract:  After analyzing the relationship among domestic economy, the globalization factor and national cyberspace, the talk will address both the scientific challenges for the next 10 years to come in the multidisciplinary arena of cybersecurity and how to make a national cyberspace a safe place to install digital businesses. The talk finally will introduce the National Architecture for Cybersecurity including lessons learned, recent revisions and it will discuss the role of national cybersecurity research in this context. The talk contains some computer science material but it is has been conceived for a wider audience including economic, legal and geo-political aspects.

Biography: Roberto Baldoni is full professor of computer science at the University of Rome La Sapienza. Roberto is the Director of the National Laboratory of cybersecurity of CINI, Coordinator of the National Committee for cybersecurity Research (including the President of CNR, CINI and CNIT) and Director of the Research Center of Cyber Intelligence and Information Security of Sapienza University of Rome. Roberto is also the co-chair of the Cyber Security Working Group of the IT-US Bilateral Science & Technology Cooperation.