AVVISI (Pagina in dismissione dal 1 agosto 2022)

DECAMP Virtual CAMPUS on Network Security

DECAMP Virtual CAMPUS on Network Security
di Friso Simone - venerdì, 14 dicembre 2018, 15:53


Courses are offered to Unipd students

www.myDECAMP.eu: Registrations still open!!!

4 ICT Security Online courses for 6 ECTS-credits each

Bachelor Level: (ONLY for Bachelor students!)
Course 1: Applied Web Application Security: Attacks and Defense
                  (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland: 11.02.19 – 31.05.19)

Course 2: Secure Cloud Computing
                  (University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain: 04. 01.19 – 14.06.19)

Master Level (ONLY for Master students!)
Course 1: Security of e-Health Systems
                  (University Polytechnica of Bucharest, Romania: 25.02.19 – 31.05.19)

Course 2: Applied Computer Forensics and Crime Investigation
                 (University of South Wales, Cardiff, UK: 07.01.19 – 08.04.19)