avviso di seminario - Alberto Sillitti, Ph.D.

Picture of D'Amico Patrizia
avviso di seminario - Alberto Sillitti, Ph.D.
by D'Amico Patrizia - Monday, 29 April 2019, 11:00 AM

Da Parte del prof. Migliardi.

Il 20 Maggio alle ore 12.00 in Aula Ne si svolgera' il seguente seminario dal titolo "Analyzing and understanding the software development process".

Abstract Software has increased its complexity dramatically and managing such complexity is challenging. Development processes has evolved from plan-based to agile in many application domains but not in all. The development of cyber-physical systems is still lagging behind due to a number of reasons such as security, reliability, etc. However, the development of novel tools to support the implementation of agile approaches can make such approaches suitable also in such traditional contexts. In particular, the development of non-invasive approaches to data collection and analysis can reduce the amount of effort required to produce the documentation that is needed in specific contexts. The lecture will analyze the main aspects of the plan-based and agile approaches and will investigate how agile methods could provide benefits also in unusual environments.
CV Alberto Sillitti, Ph.D., PEng is Full Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering of the Innopolis University (Russian Federation) where he leads the Cyber-Physical Systems Lab and is the Director of the Institute of Secure and Cyber-Physical Systems. Moreover, he is associate dean for consulting activities. He holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering received from the University of Genoa (Italy) in 2005. He has been involved in several EU funded projects related to Open Source Software, Services Architectures, and Agile Methods in which he applies non-invasive measurement approaches. He has served as member of the program committee of several international conferences, as program chair of OSS (2007 and 2019), XP (2010 and 2011), SEDA (2012, 2013, and 2014), and general chair of SEDA 2018. His research areas include open source development, agile methods, empirical software engineering, noninvasive measurement, software quality, cyber-physical systems, mobile and web services. In the last few years, he has focused on mobile and energy-aware software development and quality for cyber-physical system. He is author of more than 200 papers published in international conferences and journals.
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