AVVISI (Pagina in dismissione dal 1 agosto 2022)

Offerte Stage Imperial College London

Immagine D'Amico Patrizia
Offerte Stage Imperial College London
di D'Amico Patrizia - giovedì, 5 novembre 2015, 12:22

vi chiedo cortesemente di dare visibilità e diffusione a due offerte per ingegneri dell'ambito di informazione presso il celebre Imperial college London.

Le offerte di stage si trovano accedendo da studente dall'area riservata del sito http://www.unipd.it/vetrina-stage e hanno l'id: 

2899 Deep Learning for Tracking Tissue Deformation in UltraSound Imaging 

Deep Learning is a popular tool employed in different research areas to perform data analysis and modelling. A new area of application is focused on robotic-assisted surgical procedures where, mostly, the sensory feedback for the robot is generated by vision systems (e.g. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound Imaging, etc.). The project will focus on software development/ modelling of deep learning-based methods for tracking tissue deformations. In case of interest, it is possible to combine the internship experience with a master's thesis project.

2902 Training Rig for Anthropomorphic Robot

Anthropomorphic robots are becoming very popular in industry for executing tasks restricted, so far, to skilled workers (e.g. object manipulations, grasping, quality control, etc.). An important area of research focuses on understanding how humans are able to manipulate objects, with the aim to implement such strategies on robots. In order to understand these human skills, haptic interfaces are mostly used as the tool to perform these studies. The intern-project will focus on development of software (Linux - ROS - Orocos) for driving, in a master-slave configuration, an anthropomorphic robot by means of a haptic interface. Control Design and Software Development skills are essentials. In case of interest, it is possible to combine the internship experience with a master's thesis project.

Sono progetti che potrebbero essere anche argomento di tesi. Vi chiedo gentilmente se potete notificare questa opportunità anche attraverso i presidenti dei corsi di laurea presso il DEI.

Per candidarsi gli studenti accedono dall'area riservata del sito sopraindicato, selezionano la sezione inglese, compilano un curriculum e poi si candidano all'offerta.

Vi ringrazio e rimango a disposizione.

Buona giornata!

Zoltan Denes
Career Service
University of Padua
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