Tesi triennale: rilevamento di video deepfake

Immagine Milani Simone
Tesi triennale: rilevamento di video deepfake
di Milani Simone - venerdì, 2 ottobre 2020, 15:06

Nowadays, there is online a huge number of photo-realistic fake videos that show people doing/saying things they never did/said. These videos are called deepfakes since they are usually created using a particular kind of deep neural networks, the so-called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The diffusion of this material has severe implications from a legal/social/political point-of-view and therefore, Multimedia Forensics has been recently investigating some effective detection strategies.

In this thesis work, the students will experiment some of the most recent deepfake detection strategy improving the accuracy of the existing state.-of-the-art


(Edited by Friso Simone - original submission Friday, 2 October 2020, 3:06 PM)