Master thesis in collaboration with Oengineering - Vicenza

Picture of Corvaja Roberto
Master thesis in collaboration with Oengineering - Vicenza
by Corvaja Roberto - Tuesday, 23 March 2021, 3:37 PM


Development of a computer imaging algorithm for a new biomedical device


Objective of the thesis is the development of medical image processing algorithms for a new biomedical product being developed by Oengineering S.R.L. (OE).


- A preliminary study on the physiology and anatomy of the medical images for the specific device

- Development of the algorithm to identify anatomical biomarkers from two images acquired by two different instruments, using software libraries for image processing (like OpenCV)

- Test of the algorithm in a simulation environment (Matlab)

- Test of the algorithm in some preliminary prototypes present in Oengineering opto-electronics laboratory

Description of the company

Oengineering S.R.L. (OE) is a technology company based in Vicenza, working in different areas of opto-electronics, communications and image processing. This thesis is related to an R&D investigation for a new product in the medical device sector (estimate market availability in mid 2022).

Preferential skills

Signal processing, image processing, Matlab, C/C++ programming, OpenCV

Expected duration

 5-6 months

Thesis supervisors

Roberto Corvaja - DEI

Tommaso Occhipinti - Oengineering SRL