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Corso di laurea: Mathematical engineering - ingegneria matematica - magistrale Curriculum: Financial engineering - 1 anno Date di inizio/fine curriculum: lunedì 27 febbraio 2017 - sabato 10 giugno 2017 Periodo didattico: Secondo Semestre 2016/2017 Orario delle lezioni visualizzato: BOZZA ORARIO Secondo semestre
Model identification calibration and data analysis
G. Picci
Scientific computing and object oriented programming
E. Di Buccio
Stochastic differential equations with numerics
T. Vargiolu
Stochastic methods for finance
M. Grasselli
Corso di laurea: Mathematical engineering - ingegneria matematica - magistrale Curriculum: Mathematical modelling for engineering and science - 1 anno Date di inizio/fine curriculum: lunedì 27 febbraio 2017 - sabato 10 giugno 2017 Periodo didattico: Secondo Semestre 2016/2017 Orario delle lezioni visualizzato: BOZZA ORARIO Secondo semestre
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Model identification calibration and data analysis
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Model identification calibration and data analysis
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Nome insegnamento
Tipo insegnamento
Assistenti alla docenza
50hrs english E
P. Allison
Dynamical systems (mod.b)
M. Guzzo
Model identification calibration and data analysis