Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
* Dynamical systems (mod.b)
Massimiliano Guzzo
Aula A di Palazzo ex Rizzato (ex dipartimeno di Astronomia, in vicolo dell'Osservatorio 8).
Dettagli timeslot -- chiudi finestra --
Insegnamento: Dynamical systems (mod.b)
Crediti: 6
Docenti titolari: Massimiliano Guzzo
Aula: Aula A di Palazzo ex Rizzato (ex dipartimeno di Astronomia, in vicolo dell'Osservatorio 8).
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
* Dynamical systems (mod.b)
Massimiliano Guzzo
Aula A di Palazzo ex Rizzato (ex dipartimeno di Astronomia, in vicolo dell'Osservatorio 8).
Dettagli timeslot -- chiudi finestra --
Insegnamento: Dynamical systems (mod.b)
Crediti: 6
Docenti titolari: Massimiliano Guzzo
Aula: Aula A di Palazzo ex Rizzato (ex dipartimeno di Astronomia, in vicolo dell'Osservatorio 8).
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
* Dynamical systems (mod.b)
Massimiliano Guzzo
Aula A di Palazzo ex Rizzato (ex dipartimeno di Astronomia, in vicolo dell'Osservatorio 8).
Dettagli timeslot -- chiudi finestra --
Insegnamento: Dynamical systems (mod.b)
Crediti: 6
Docenti titolari: Massimiliano Guzzo
Aula: Aula A di Palazzo ex Rizzato (ex dipartimeno di Astronomia, in vicolo dell'Osservatorio 8).
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Note per l'insegnamento:
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.
Dynamical systems (mod.b) [Massimiliano Guzzo]
Lectures scheduled on Monday (room P5, Paolotti)) and on Thursday (aula Ip, Via Loredan 20) will start the 11th May 2017 and they will replace those given on Tuesday and Friday. So starting the 11th May 2017 lecures will be given only on Monday and Thursday.